A firearm endorsement is a declaration from SAPSA or other affiliated sporting body that a specific firearm is fit for the purpose of IPSC sport shooting. This document is fundamental to a license application under Section 16 (Sport Shooting).

This endorsement letter goes hand-in-hand with a Dedicated Status letter. Both should be included in a new firearm license application under Section 16.


Dedicated Status (DS) is the second fundamental part of Sport Shooting, specifically for licensing firearms under Section 16. Dedicated Status is achieved by:

    1. Being a paid up member in good standing to an accredited sport shooting club (such as Ihawu)
    2. Being a paid up member of the relevant province (in our case KZNPSA)
    3. Being a paid up member of SAPSA or other affiliated sports body
    4. Collecting required dedicated points (SAPSA 6 points)

Normally a new shooter would start sport shooting with his/her self-defense pistol, participating in club shoots until 6 points are accumulated (one point per sanctioned club shoot) and then applying for a Section 16 licence.

Procedure for Applying


The procedure for applying for endorsements and DS letters are very strict, with many checks and balances.  It is however not complicated at all, Steps below are under development and not yet operational as instructed:

    1. in the event of been a paid up member of SAPSA the the relevant documents can be found on your profile found at, your user name will be your SAPSA number and then your password.
    2. For other affiliations that do not have an online profile then you will need to double check that you have achieved Dedicated Status in this calendar year (or the previous year if you have not achieved it in the current year yet).
    3. Proceed to the Ihawu firearm center back office and request relevant endorsement letters and club standing.
    4. For proof of activities you will be able to download the club logs from this website.

Please note that once the club Chairman approves your request, it can take up to 7 days for the cycle to complete.


Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Sunday: Closed

Ihawu IPSC Shooting© 2024. All rights reserved.